Developer Guide

This guide explains how to set up your environment for developing Hippo.

Hippo is a .NET webapp, built with the Model-View-Controller (MVC) approach.

The front-end uses the Bootstrap design framework, which (along with some other packages) is managed via npm and gulp.

System Requirements

Install the following development tools:


To build the project, run:

$ dotnet restore
$ cd Hippo
$ npm run build


If you’re using the deislabs bindle test server, make sure to install the Let’s Encrypt TLS certificates on your machine.

$ sudo su
$ cd /usr/share/ca-certificates/
$ mkdir
$ cd $_
$ curl -o isrgrootx1.crt
$ curl -o lets-encrypt-r3.crt
$ dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates
$ update-ca-certificates
$ export BINDLE_URL=
$ dotnet run

Then, open https://localhost:5001 to view the browser. The default administrator username/password is ‘admin’ and ‘Passw0rd!’.

If you want to test the pre-seeded applications, open http://localhost:32768, http://localhost:32769, and http://localhost:32770. There you should find three applications all running and served by the local WAGI scheduler.

$ curl localhost:32768
Kia ora, world from 1.1.0!
$ curl localhost:32769
Hello, world from 1.0.0!
$ curl localhost:32770
Kia ora, world from 1.1.0!

Optionally, run the Rust test suite:

$ cd ../hippo-client-rust
$ cargo test

Open http://localhost:32770 again. You should notice that the application’s version number changed.

$ curl localhost:32770
Bonjour from la belle version 1.1.1


$ dotnet test


We provide migrations for two databases: SQLite for local development, PostgreSQL for production use. If you change the model then you need to create migrations for both databases. To do this:

dotnet ef migrations add <name> --context SqliteDataContext --output-dir Migrations/Sqlite
ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production dotnet ef migrations add <name> --context PostgresDataContext --output-dir Migrations/Postgres

Sometimes manual fixups are required:

  • SQLite: EF generates "now()" for database-generated columns. This doesn’t exist. Change it to "datetime('now')" in both the migration and the designer.

Backing out

If you foul up your dev configuration beyond repair, or just want a clean start, delete Hippo/hippo.db.